USConnect: Focusing on LOHAS Consumers

Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability – describes a demographic swath of the population whose purchasing decisions are based on issues like environmental impact, social responsibility, and personal fitness.

Is your company LOHAS-focused? If it consistently offers healthy, sustainably-sourced food options, then it’s following a trend of many individuals and companies around the world. LOHAS – an acronym for Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability – describes a demographic swath of the population whose purchasing decisions are based on issues like environmental impact, social responsibility, and personal fitness.

LOHAS consumers are generally financially comfortable, but they are not necessarily the wealthiest consumer sector; rather, issues of health and sustainability often override cost and convenience in their shopping and eating habits. For instance, many LOHAS consumers choose to pay the extra money or travel the extra distance required in order to eat organic vegetables—feeling that the health and societal benefits of buying organic are more important than saving money.

Not surprisingly, LOHAS spending decreases during times of economic stress, like the recession of 2008. However, the as the economy recovers, LOHAS spending has increased. An industry group estimates that 13-19% of the American population can be considered LOHAS consumers; that is one in four adults, or almost 41 million people. In a company of any size, some percentage is almost certain to be comprised of LOHAS consumers.

People’s LOHAS-oriented food purchases can vary, depending on their focus. For many, organic food is of primary importance: a fact that is reflected in the growth of the organic food movement. For others, avoiding genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is paramount. Still others focus on food sustainability, avoiding foods (like certain fish) that face over-harvesting. For some people, the social impact of the food is most important; they choose fair-trade coffee, for instance, or avoid foods (like some beef and coffee) that require clear-cutting forests. For many of these LOHAS choices, third party organizations provide labels to identify their products as adhering to these principles.

Some LOHAS customers’ focus is not on the food itself, but on the packaging. With a greater emphasis on environmental responsibility, these consumers will actively avoid food with excessive wrapping of plastic, paper, and other disposables. These eco-conscious consumers are more likely to bring a meal from home in order to avoid physical waste, even though buying food at work is more convenient.

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